
Webinarium "Six things publishers can do to promote open research data"

Zapraszamy na webinarium "Six things publishers can do to promote open research data", które odbędzie się 21 października 2020, o godz. 11:00 w ramach Tygodnia Otwartego Dostępu 2020.

Wydarzenie kierowane jest do wydawców i redaktorów czasopism naukowych zainteresowanych wdrażaniem najwyższych standardów wydawniczych oraz promowaniem transparentności i otwartości badań naukowych. Podczas webinarium wykład wygłosi Iain Hrynaszkiewicz, ekspert w zakresie otwartej nauki, od wielu lat współpracujący z wydawcami czasopism naukowych, obecnie pracownik PLOS (Public Library of Science). 

Uwaga: wykład prowadzony będzie w języku angielskim. Udział w wydarzeniu jest bezpłatny; liczba miejsc jest ograniczona (decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń). Formularz rejestracyjny:


Six things publishers can do to promote open research data - Iain Hrynaszkiewicz 

Increasing transparency in research data can be achieved by publishers in six key areas: (1) understanding researchers’ needs, problems and motivations through user research (2) raising awareness of issues and encouraging behavioural and cultural change, by introducing consistent journal policies on sharing research data (3) enabling peer reviewer engagement with research data where possible (4) improving scholarly communication infrastructure by partnering with data repositories and increasing data discoverability; (5) increasing incentives for practising open research with content types, citation potential and digital badges for transparency; and (6) by being open ourselves, by sharing publisher data and user research, and through industry and community collaboration.

Iain Hrynaszkiewicz is Publisher, Open Research at Public Library of Science (PLOS), where he leads the conceptualisation and development of new products, policies and services that support and enable open science. Iain was previously Head of Data Publishing at Springer Nature where he developed and implemented research data policies and services, and was publisher of Nature Research Group’s Scientific Data journal. He has also been Outreach Director at Faculty of 1000 (F1000), and spent seven years at the first commercial open access publisher BioMed Central (BMC) in a variety of editorial, publishing and product/policy development roles. Iain is part of several research/publishing community projects related to data sharing and reproducible research. He founded and is co-chair of an Interest Group in the Research Data Alliance (RDA) that is setting standards for journal research data policy globally, and founder of the annual early-career researcher conference, Better Science through Better Data. He has published numerous papers related to data sharing, open access, and the role of publishers in reproducible research - one of which has been cited nearly 200 times. ORCID: